Corvettes on – part 2

30 06 2008

Isn’t Modern Technology Wonderful? Should have been simple enough – Just install the station’s toolbar, start up the live stream, log into the chat room, and start makin’ friends… Except James couldn’t get the matches to light, and spent most of the program trying to get a connection, assisted by the rest of the chatroom, and much to the amusement of our hosts, Maria and Jeremy…

Ah, well…

In the midst of all of this, further excitement came when a baby lesser-spotted woodpecker flew into the conservatory and couldn’t get back out. (Picture Details and copyright) This meant an invasion of nature lovin’ family members, and me missing a sizeable portion of the show as well. (Just as well you can pick it up from the archive broadcast later in the week).

Anyway, our thanks to Matt, Maria and Jeremy for playing a few of our tunes, and to the Denizens of the show’s chat room for their kind comments.

If you want to keep a copy for posterity, right click and chose “save as…” or similar…

Or just hover over the link, and wait a few seconds till the embedded player comes up, then click on play.

From Matt Morrow’s “Monday at Matt’s” Show

From Maria and Jeremy’s “Girls Night In/Boys Night Out” Show

Both shows are well worth a listen, and haveĀ  trawl through the site (link at the left), there’s some really great stuff up there.

Hopefully we’ll get up to Ness country in the near future, sounds like a very active and varied music scene.